Traductions en contexte de plug insertion en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : The socket (20) and the plug (40) can be kept in an engagement state by . Many translated example sentences containing plug insertion – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. When medical therapy, including artificial tears and cyclosporine (e.g. Restasis) . To confirm the plug insertion , we implemented the active method which uses additional motion of the hand.
If the plug is inserted correctly, the plug and the outlet . A plug for shell or projectile cases formed with open.
Usually, punctal plug insertion is uneventful and rarely involves serious side . They are used to treat dry eye. Artificial tears are usually still required after punctal plug insertion. Circuit completed by insertion of answering plug.
The effect of inserting the answering plug into the answering jack may now be analyzed as follows: . Trans-tympanic silicone plug insertion for chronic patulous Eustachian tube. Sato T(1), Kawase T, Yano H, . Q Does Medicare cover punctal occlusion with plug ?
Hands and plugs should be clean prior to use. Punctal plug insertion is done on an outpatient basis. AliExpress insertion plug sites de magasinage en ligne, le plus grand de la plate- forme insertion plug guide shopping de détail, les offres insertion plug guide . Découvrez nos idées cadeaux déco, cuisine et maison. Endoscope-assisted silicone plug insertion for patulous Eustachian tube patients. Ryoukichi Ikeda M Ph.
All these gripping tools are . In an exemplary embodiment, first insertion detection circuitry . Watch an actual ProLoop Plug insertion procedure, narrated by Harold S. Les Plug -ins temps réel, insertion et organisation avec Tuto Pro Tools 8. Le mot de Laurent Bonnet avec Tuto Pro Tools 8. Two suggested methods are . Starline busway is designed and built in accordance with the UL8Standard for Plug -In Busway,. The socket of the present . Insertion of Plug -In units on Energized Busway. An ocular plug design and method of insertion is described for the treatment of dry eye.
This code describes punctal.