Class, Va, Vg Vg Ia, Ig Ra, S, Zout, Pout, THD. ECLFiche technique, ECLcircuit, ECLFiche technique : PHILIPS. Predecessor Tubes : ECL1 ECLFirst Source (s) : Jun.
Download or read online NXP Semiconductors ECLTRIODE-OUTPUT PENTODE pdf data sheet. Company, NXP Semiconductors.
Equivalente types, 6BM 6f3p, 6PL12. Triode Plate to Pentode Grid No. Manufacturer by Svetlana. Near equivalent: 6BMand ECL82. Unit price for : 50: $19.
ECLdatasheet , cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Data Sheet Program for Microsoft Excel Download . Les valeurs de composants étaient légèrement différentes.
AK Description: triple diode. ECLpdf documentation and ECLapplication notes, . Vintage German Klein und Hummel VS-ECLand ECC8tube amplifier. Philips datasheet does, along with higher anode voltage as well . Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. Petersburg factory SVETLANA. ECLis not related to either triode of an ECC8 . Ea: If not stated otherwise in the datasheet , the lower value of max.
The datasheet for this tube gives ratings for TV vertical . Je lancerai un post dans la rubrique pas cher . MiB) Descargado veces. ECLDatasheet (PDF) – NXP Semiconductors EclDatasheet. Philips ECL(same tube) datasheet says Max Vao is 550V but max Va is 300V. This means 550V when no current is flowing, at switch-on.
ECL- trioda – pentoda, pentoda: nf zesilovač . Twin diode for full wave. Product, ELECTRONIC TUBE.
Wil Manshande, nostatech en freeservicemanuals. There are also links to some website with prints on the first page. BMは、テレビ用の垂直発振と垂直偏向用にヨーロッパ開発された MT 管で、.