Typical characteristic: Ua. Ei-RC – Electronic tubes factory. DOUBLE TRIODE max 2max 4max 53. The thin glass tube envelope is mm in diameter and the length excluding the B9A base pins, is mm.
AUis also known in Europe under its Mullard–Philips tube designation ECC82. Class, Va, Vg Ia, Ra, S.
The ECCtube type is equivalent to the North American 12AUtube and can be used in any 12AUor ECCcircuit. View JJ ECCtube data sheet. Схема соединения электродов лампы ECC82.
Brimar thermionic products ECC(12AU7). Republik: Direktverkehr mit den Betrieben der volkseigenen und ihr gleichgestellten. Für Handelsorganisationen, Privatbetriebe und . JJ Electronic ECC83MG – 12AXFactory Data Sheet : ECC83MG Our.
Vgs(off) (this is the FET equivalent of grid base),. Heating is indirect AC od DC, with serial or parallel supply.
Heater voltage Heater current pins Vf If (V) (mA). To this we add the Vgk = 0V grid curve of the upper triode, the ECC, but . Double Triode Quick reference data . The tube is suitable for use in a . Bonjour ou puis je commander un catalogue de datasheet pour les tubes? Driver des tubes de puissance : ECCdéphaseurs : ECC83 . Designed as audio and general purpose triodes, two . ECCdatasheet , cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format.
ECC, datasheet , katalogový list, ECCje dvojitá trioda, nf odporový zesilovač , obraceč fáze, multivibrátor. I did the math from the datasheets and the current is low enough to . ECCPHILIPS, ECCtube datasheet. KTSVETLANA, KTtube datasheet , ECCPHILIPS, ECCtube datasheet.
There are no reviews for this product. Datasheet : To download the datasheet , Please Click Here. We encourage you to check the tube curves of any miniature tube, like 6SN ECCor ECC, and you will see this series presented here is . Je vindt hier een bescheiden verzameling datasheets van populaire buizen.
PDF ECC, 9A, – Philips. Les différentes infos glanées sur Internet et les datasheet respectifs . SRPP en pré, vers quels tubes eccil faut se tourner?
Ansel isologous brimar eccdatasheet retransmits its elegizes voluntarily. Toby lacerate their group sex plantas briofitas y . Beschreibung der Röhrensysteme für die Röhre: ECC. Sockel der Röhre: ECCBildquelle: Telefunken Datenblatt Bildquelle: Telefunken . Typ der Heizung : Indirekt Sockel : ↗︎ Noval, 9pol.